Monday, May 24, 2004

Hi all! I had a great weekend, just stitched to my heart's content! I did laundry, watched the Thunderbirds fly around, and stitched! It was great!

Here's the questions for this week:

1. How many have you framed on the wall? 3 at my house, my MIL has several at her house too.
2. How many do you have finished in other ways? none
3. What was the most expensive finishing? Haven't a clue, none of them were really expensive.
4. Have you finished anything yourself? yes, all of them.
5. Describe your favourite finished piece. Hmmm, don't really have a favorite, although my MIL has the family tree, and I had miscalculated, and had the stitching rather close to the edge of the fabric, so I found a way around it, framed it, and it looks great!

Not much else going on for the week. I'm back at work, the meds I got from the Dr last week worked great, especially the cough syrup. Had to be proof alcohol content in that bottle......WOW!
