Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy February (a day early) - I doubt if I will get on to post tomorrow. It will be a busy day with church in the morning and then it's the Super Bowl all afternoon and evening! LOL

We were out early today as I had a 10:00 appt to get my yearly mammogram. See the lovely pink shawl in the picture? That was my booby prize. LOL My employer is a healthcare organization, and when employees come and get their mammograms, they receive a gift. My last gift was a pink travel mug. It's just an incentive, and our names also go in the pot to win prizes and cash during the year. I've never won any of that, I'm just happy to get the shawl this year! LOL

The new mammogram machine was really COOL though. The tech (Pam, who I have known for 20 years) showed me one of my films from 2007. It looks just like an x-ray does. The new digital film was SO much clearer and defined. You could see so much more than on the old x-ray film. Also, the radiologist has buttons that he can move the image around and zoom in on areas that may need a closer look. Very cool! and while the compression was a big uncomfortable, it really did not hurt, which I was thankful for.

DH went with me and stayed in the car. On the way back home, we stopped by a farmer's market and bought some meats, veggies and a few other odds and ends. I bought some hamburger and fresh ground sausage. Wow, what a difference in taste of the sausage. I cooked up a little and used it in the chili I made for dinner tonight. Definitely a nice taste.

DH and DS just left to go to the movies, so I'm going to get some laundry going, and then sit down and pick up my stitching. Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend!


Missy Ann said...

I think that the "booby" prize is wonderful!

I've got my laundry started too and as soon as I jump in the shower I'm hitting the stitching too.

Sara said...

Have fun watching the Super Bowl tomorrow! I've got to work but I'm going to stitch and watch after I get home.

staci said...

Isn't that a nice booby prize, lol ;)