Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Friday Five, Times Five

1. What are your five favorite all time TV shows?
Little House on the Prairie, Dallas, Brady Bunch, 7th Heaven, I'm sure there's another one!!

2. What five things you want to do before the year is out?
Lose weight, get a promotion, become certified, pay off some bills, get a car for DS!

3. Who are five people (alive, dead, or otherwise) you would want to have dinner with?
My mom, grandma, grandpa, Princess Diana, Grace Kelly

4. Where are five places (cities, states, countries, etc.) you would like to visit?
San Maarten, London, Paris, Ireland (the entire country!), Hawaii

5. What are your five favorite desserts?
Just about anything chocolate, cake with lemon curd sauce, trifle, funnel cakes, MIL's egg custard at Christmas!