Wednesday, November 05, 2003

This has been a busy week or so. My boss has been out sick so I have been picking up and filling in where I need to. We aren't sure when she will be back. I get along with my boss really well. I'm very concerned about her and hope she gets to feeling better SOON!!

On the stitching front, I joined the Christmas Mystery by Pam Kellogg. I gathered all my supplies after receiving the first part last week. Finally picked up the last bit of DMC I needed at Joann's Monday. I am working on "Old Glory" by Hinzet....almost then I should be able to start the Christmas Mystery.

I ordered the Mini Mandala's from Chatelaine, and have those ready to go when we go on the cruise in December. Between now and then, I hope to get caught up on Christmas Mystery, and work alternating on Winter Queen and my other WIP's.