Friday, September 02, 2005


A time for back to school, getting things back to "normal" from the summer, right???


A busy time for us!

This weekend is the family reunion. My side of the family (DH is thrilled....NOT). It's not that my family doesn't like him, they do. He's just uncomfortable around them. It's not because of any particular reason or person....I guess basically he's just not "used" to the folks on my side...even after 20 some years! We don't hang out with them, so he doesn't really know them.

Their loud, and obnoxious. Some of my uncles and counsins are just plain nuts.

One cousin called me last night....he's organizing a turkey hunt and fishin' contest for Sunday! I LOVE IT....DH did too actually. So, maybe it will be a fun event.

New job starts Tuesday. I'm at work for 2 days, then off for the BFE wedding (Big, Fat, EXPENSIVE)!!! I'm actually looking forward to getting away for a few days.

Oh, did I mention, the above 2 events.........well, they involve a few hours of driving.....I called my dad last night and asked if his little town was out of gas yet! The wedding is in DC/Baltimore area, gas there will probably be $4-$5 a gallon by then!!